New Scholarship Program
The Stay-in-School Program’s success has created the need for a new Scholarship program for the deserving young ladies we have helped stay in school through Grade 12. We currently have 15 girls in Grade 12 and several of them will be eligible to attend college or university in 2024. Given their low family economic status they will be eligible for tuition support from the Nepal government. However, their families do not have the funds to pay for the books, board and living expenses away from home. We estimate that one year of costs in residence at post-secondary institutions plus books, supplies and IT support is approximately $2,000 annually.

Potential scholarship recipients
We are very proud to launch our fourth funding initiative by creating the My 100 Percent Scholarship program to continue our support of these barrier breaking young ladies. We believe that we will require $150,000 over a 5-year period or an estimated $30,000 per annum. We are more than 50% of the way to reaching our Scholarship funding goal through generous commitments received to date.
We are seeking 5-year commitments from individuals and companies to help pay for the personal and school supply costs for either the college or university programs that the successful graduates can attend. We will be sending a separate appeal to our donors with the details of the scholarship commitments, the use of funds and reporting from the recipients. Should you be interested in supporting this new program please reach out and we will send you the necessary paperwork.